Friday 20 July 2012





 This one of the still life project,I did in my spear time awhile back. This is the first one actually did in a long time on my very own. :aww: I figured it would be great to share some of my very special talent God have blessed me with.
With this still life composition~I was attracted to the way the mass of dark shapes was silhouetted against the white background; the negative shapes were just as wonderful as the various objects.

For the arrangement of my still life: I ve look  at the hight,size,shape of object,texture-surface,colour and decoration.
This study was done at different view points of a simular arrangement. I first begin with small pencil sketches, which i then developed into charcoal drawing/paintings.i often enjoy working this way because it gives me a chance to reorganize and distill ideas.

 I lightly sketch the composition.its more about the the way the light is shaped by the dark mass than about the objects themselves.

 The mass in the darks within the nest and other objects ive found the darkest value to set up the range of grays.basically, the values are light,middle tone, and dark- a high key of contrast with few value transitions between each other.

Using the crosshatch method with an eraser and a sharpened charchoal,ive pick out highlights and refine the shape.Notice how each drawings are handled differently to ensure interest, and some strokes stress in different directions.

 This is my little presentation of  THE ARTIST WITHIN ME! Hope you enjoy!

"Even if you dont have a studio,set up a workplace somewhere and keep an ongoing project easily at hand.go to it when ever time permits:drawing for 10 to 30 minutesa day is better than 1 hour a week.remember:Do not think your drawing should be immediately perfect,just make them a little better each time you work. you may have great ideas but without the discipline of drawing,they will be difficult to realize.Wish you much sucess!"
Kneaded Eraser
Drawing paper

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